Saturday, April 23, 2011

A little too much... I don't think so!

Peppers that have been transplanted into containers
One could easily say that this year, I have gone over-board with seedlings. I have about 20-30 pepper plants and 10 Bhut Jolokia seeds in the small heated green-house. I also have about 12 little finger eggplants and 10 long purple eggplant seeds in the small greenhouse. I have beans in the greenhouse that have already sprouted. I have bitter melons too. As of right now, in my garden (raised bed & containers included)  I have onions, garlic, bok-choy, carrots (2 varieties), tomatoes (2 varieties), radishes, lettuce, cucumbers (2 varieties), peppers (many varieties), beans, peas, and herbs. That may not seem like a lot to many, but I really don't have much room to garden and the items I listed are in numbers more than 3 at least. I also have a ton of seedlings that I need to transfer to my garden soon. I am waiting to get some compost so I can fill up my containers and plant away. I am proud to say that this year, I only bought one set of seedlings from the store. Everything else was started from seed.

Pepper Seedlings 

I must admit one thing, I may have gone a little overboard with my peppers this year. And thing is, I can't part with them because I don't know the varieties and am scared to give away any that I may not have more than one of. So they are staying for now. Wish me luck and if I get 15 of one variety then be prepared to see some tears, or to my Sacramento gardeners, be prepared to pick up some pepper plants from me. :) Even with this wandering mind about my pepper varieties,  I am very happy with my garden and hope that everyone's garden is flourishing! Until next time, Happy gardening everyone!

Bell Pepper plants from 2010

Pepper Seedlings 


  1. I am loving reading about everything you have started from seeds! I have a few things I'd like to start from seeds this year - but I still haven't done it. And mostly I buy starts, because I am a little bit lazy and impatient, and because I am nervous about not being successful at starting seeds. Now I'm inspired by you...maybe I'll try harder next year!

  2. Thank you Kelly! last year I bought starts and started only a couple of things from seed but this year i was determined to start all my own plants. Now next year I will prepare even earlier because I bought a heating mat and seed starting cells. With the weather the way it is in Sacramento, it seems like there's still time to start many seeds but I don't have anymore room! You should def start from seeds next year, even if its just a couple of stuff. Saves alot of money and its so nice to see a tiny seed grow! :)

  3. Congratulations on all those seed startings! That is quite an accomplishment! I have been doing a combination of both seed starts and nursery starts but like Kelly said, your haul is quite inspiring!


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Ingredients: 1/2 cup light Ricotta Cheese 2 eggs 2 tablespoons vanilla whey (I use Jay Robb's Vanilla Whey Protein Powder) 2.5 Tab...